Colorado Rescue

Denver Med Spa & Skincare Clinic Snowy Mountain

 The beauty of this facial is the rapid results - it’s like a tall drink of water for the skin. This is a classic spin on an old favorite facial that I learned in Esthetic School. I developed the Colorado Rescue treatment for dramatic skin improvement for people suffering through our brutally parched environment.

Because Colorado is so popular with tourists (as well as those who just moved from more humid climates) many people don’t often realize that their skin is just about ready to be seriously upset. This facial is perfect for those times. The magic is in the paraffin mask to lock in moisture and hydration and reverse the skin from going into a full-blown panic attack.

After either a Microderm or Dermplane exfoliation session, we apply soothing serums rich in lipids to replenish what the skin has lost, a hydrating mask, and finally, a warm paraffin mask to lock in the moisture and seal the barrier to restore order, and calm. It is quite amazing to see the rapid transformation and I’ve never had a client not appreciate getting their skin back to happy.

So, if you’re either visiting or are a new transplant to Colorado, choosing this as a first treatment is always a winner.

Elizabeth Nelson